

LBMC has developed eight online tools to analyze various physician compensation arrangements, 包括:

  • Physician Employment (including stacking and one-time payment tools)
  • 调用覆盖
  • 医疗管理者的职位
  • 学术
  • 转变 & 每小时

Our calculators require limited information and can be completed
in 少于1分钟.




The development of the tool is driven by the healthcare organization’s need to quickly assess new
physician recruitment offers, renewals of existing contracts, and various other compensation
与医疗保健提供者的安排. 具体来说,计算器的目的是:


确定补偿的最大阈值/上限, based on Fair Market Value and Commercial Reasonableness requirements for the subject specialty.


Provide a printable valuation document/opinion which can be utilized for compliance and contract management documentation.


识别 compensation arrangements which may require a further review through either a consult with



脉冲FMV是自动的, web-based solution for assessing and supporting fair market value of compensation arrangements for healthcare organizations.

Pulse FMV可以帮助解决哪些挑战?

  • 时间很紧? 节省时间,在1分钟内生成FMV报告.
  • 有限的内部资源? Leverage our expertise, with a tool that is easy to learn and implement.
  • 预算的担忧? 成本效益的解决方案,将节省您的时间和金钱.

Are FMV reports defensible and backed by independent, qualified appraisers?

是的, the tool was developed by a team of experts in the Compensation Valuation field, 利用几十年的经验和数以千计的估值.

Please see the links below for bios for some of our experts:




安全是Pulse FMV的首要任务. 不仅信息不受外界干扰, but Pulse FMV was designed as a secure framework through which you can maintain and monitor access throughout your organization.

Pulse FMV利用了哪些调查数据源?

Pulse FMV incorporates one of the most widely utilized and accepted compensation survey data sources in the industry.

Pulse FMV leverages LBMC’s deep industry experience and expertise in performing thousands of valuations for healthcare organizations across the country.


是的! The user interface has been designed and tested by industry experts including hospital administrators and valuators and proven to be simple and intuitive.

How long does it take to run the 脉冲FMV计算器 tool from start to finish?

Pulse FMV can be run in a matter of seconds if all the information is readily available.

脉冲FMV是否产生公平市场价值(“FMV”)意见, or does it just produce internal benchmarks or thresholds for compensation?

Pulse FMV produces FMV opinions in PDF format which can be relied upon as fair market value support. 


Pulse FMV is a web-based application and allows for 24/7 access. 参观 客户端登录 访问.


We offer a simple pricing model that allows users full access to all calculators on the website. It is a tier system based on the number of providers for the organization.

Clients can choose a Monthly Subscription or an Annual Subscription. 明升体育app下载定价结构是灵活的, and our goal is always to develop a solution to meet the client’s FMV needs within their specific budget.


There is no limit to the number of reports you can run for most pricing models.

How many users can an organization have on Pulse FMV and is there a cost per user?

You can have an unlimited number of users, so there is no cost per user.

It is recommended that organizations closely manage those who have access to Pulse FMV and ensure that they have proper training and oversight. Organizations are responsible for administering their user accessibility and utilization consistent with the terms outlined in the License Agreement, 使用条款和隐私政策.

Who do I contact if I have an issue accessing the website or downloading a report?

Pulse FMV is supported by a dedicated team of professionals with valuation experience. Our support team is available to assist with any technical issues you may have. Please feel free to reach out to your customer support team at FMVcalculators@LBMC.com.


杰克 布鲁梅特写


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凯蒂 塔尔


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电话: 1 (844) 526-2732

办公时间: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.星期一至星期五,美国东部夏令时

P.O. 1869箱

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have on what our 脉冲FMV计算器 can do for your organization. Submit the form below and one of our professionals will get back to you promptly.